The sovereignty of letting go
empowering Vulnerability, The prestige of compassion, the Sovereignty of letting go.

The superiority of forgiveness. Taking the armor down to witness that we are safe.

If you want to know about Releasing and letting go large intestine detox
That which makes men strong can make them feel weak-The pure masculine- doing, powerful, in control, resolving Can be healing itself through the integrated eyes of the same needs of humanity.
Ofer Rosenthal
Movember#Movement– Supporting awareness of men’s health- why do we need to actually have a whole month for this topic? “Our society has a lack of role models that have both masculine and feminine energies integrated” Clark Kegley – Refusing to Settle.
If we can potentially change our collective values and find overall well-being beyond the need to show up our capacity to conquer, yet to celebrate together moving together in collective inspiration.

A huge topic, keeping it somehow simple, less is more.
Looking into the images of those Powerful amazing brothers in arms, that meets each other power, not by competition or comparison, yet by the ability to trust each other, to feel into the missing experience of one another and offer it empathic listening,
Sharing water and rising awareness throughout this 2021 only -with humbleness so much before and so much ahead, teachers, colleagues, and students that left me with deep gratitude to be in this big spiral of awareness revolution together.

13 years ago, coming back to Israel with a heartful wish to become a water therapist, was told that men don’t have a future in this field, (might get a different post or article) grateful for all those powerful men that kept the collective faith alive :
if only black or white will remain in these pictures, we will not see any of its unique details, expressions, and beauty, only a blank frame will remain.
Fly Deeper

if Masculinity will not be well blent with feminine quality built in it, what will we meet in men or women?
might it be just a blank aspect without any character?
how unique is every blend of this polarity that allows endless expressions of humanity to be met worldwide?

reflections over the masculine presence in the soft and embracing water world,
through the visions of Black and white, rough and soft, strong and vulnerable.

many polarities on the way to the 1.