Integrative processes in water therapy
As human beings are so unique and diverse, it’s impossible to quantify how long an integration process will take, but to understand the importance of a clear path there.
Ofer Roesnthal
Structure to Anchoring phases within a conversation with our recipient
“Anchoring”, as major understanding and integration in others usually takes time, it can take time, for now, information to land and settle, each person has a different learning paste, some takes few hours to learn and apply, others need weeks or months.
as part of the process of supporting other people’s needs and nature, being attuned to this diversity can be already a game-changer.
To change a habit, or to change a belief, requires to have more resistance and to be aware of the elastic needs that might take to really embody a new posture or a different belief on the subconscious levels.
“‘The Soul, like the body, accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contact”

A quick reminder of the difference between transformation and Integration-
Transformation-, refers to a major change or shift in an individual’s thought and/or behavior patterns.
This type of change normally requires a major change in thought patterns and values. Let’s take for example – a person that was always (since it began, not from birth) afraid of being in the water or not touching the ground
while being in the water, if they will manage to do it now without fear, it will be very major, but will not a change of habit, but a reminder of the existing possibility, and that by itself is a major gift that can be life-changing, while still not promising a change of belief system or habit.
Integration is a descriptive term that summarizes significant behavioral achievements.
the way that Jung placed it from his very unique point of view: “ the process during which both the individual and collective unconscious are integrated into the personality”.
Carl Gustav Jung
By using the same example we did before- the reminder that I can actually not touch the ground in the water and feel fine is not enough, to know that whenever I will not touch the ground in the water i will not feel fear will be a sign of integration. If you want to know about Water therapy
As human beings are so unique and diverse, it’s impossible to quantify how long an integration process will take, but to understand the importance of a clear path there.