Connecting the thread between water healing The tower of Pisa and Mathematics?
Through the FlyDeeper Approach to movement in the water therapy healing, we want to connect the dots together

In 1602 Galileo Galilei, an Italian mathematician, discovered a law of nature that influences our aquatic healing art, just like the Mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, From the Same City -Pisa, 400 years beforehand, during the 1200 AD, that discovered the golden cut that reveals the Spiral form in everything in nature, the ripples of that man that was considered as the most talented western mathematician of the middle age rippled his knowledge to be the base of the understanding of different healing modalities among this FlyDeeper.
Galileo that is considered to be the “Father of Modern Science brought 2 concepts that we will use in this chapter to enhance our underwater offers;
- The Pendulum Effect
- The law of falling objects.
A pendulum is an object hung from a fixed point that swings back and forth under the action of the gravity-The swinging motion of a pendulum is due to the force of gravity generated by the factors, including a pendulum’s length that will affect its motion.
The A pendulum works by converting energy back and forth, a bit like a rollercoaster ride. … As it accelerates down toward its lowest point (the central point that will be at the water level in this case), this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (energy of movement) and then, as the bob climbs up again, back to potential energy.

Why is it important?
Because in water therapy as we learned from base 1 , we wish to reduce the amount of energy that we consume while we offer the gestures to our receiver’s body. We wish to apply the right Movement and we are asked to learn how to harmonize our gestures In a way that we will not (or our body will not) communicate fatigue or usage of force to enhance the sense of liberty and freedom to them as much as keeping our body healthy for the long term of this practice.
The Pendulum Effect offers an understanding of Kinetics and usage of its laws to our favorite and allows us to flow smoother while incorporating the laws of nature.
The second interesting law of Galilei is the Law of Falling bodies – interesting enough Galileo Galilei died in the Year that Sir Isaac Newton was born and later discover the law of universal Gravitation that also takes place in water therapy understanding. Galileo showed that bodies are falling in the same rhythm but what makes the big difference is actually not the weight but the size and its friction-
That helps us to understand why it is so much easier to treat smaller, lightweight people that tall and muscular, because of the time that it will take for their body to move, and as much as treating people with clothes or with the minimal cover or Naked (in places that permits that) due to the friction of the water.
That means that we will have to adapt to the different body types, their rhythm, and also consider the number of clothes and muscular tonus.
When it comes to the practicality of our practice –
we would wish to find the way to be able to bring our receivers underneath the water, deep, or shallow or to any kind of depth in a way that we will be able to feel safe all along the way, that we will be able to dominate that rhythm of movement, bring them further from the surface or to the surface in ease, to introduce an efficient and clear movement.
The quality of our offerings, in this case, will be base on
- Our ability to form useful, clear leverage of their body with ours
- How we create momentum, start the movement and slow it.
- Our awareness of the base point and its influence over the systems.
- Ultimately, the embodiment of all of that with the guidelines that we use already of underwater offerings.
Our ability to form clear leverage is based on the usage of as many points of contact as we can so the Precision of the movement that will create with that pendulum will be as efficient as possible in addition to that we are willing to allow the body of our receivers to be able to understand clearly our nonverbal communication with it which means that even though that we perform a movement for them who would like their body and their parasympathetic system to be able to cooperate with us in a smooth and easy way.

The momentum makes the whole story right or wrong from the second that the receiver shows us that they are ready to go under we need to act smoothly while precise to bring them clearly underwater and we wish to be able to slow the reason and later to bring them back and to receive them point all of those in a well-carry autographed movement taking into consideration the importance of the momentum before going down before coming up and landing smoothly back to the surface.

To be able to use the system well we need to understand how does it actually work where does the force come from and where does the movement circulate through what is the pillar of the actual swing once we understand clearly what is the center of the movement and we use the laws of physics and the range of movement so as to close as we are to the pillar we have more immediate effect and as far as we will go from the pillar will have to use more force and to wait long time until the movement will actually have an impact.
some of those concepts could be seen in the free Video Page: Click Here
links: the Pendulum effect- Video Link
The Falling bodies: Video Link