Water therapy sound healing singing bowls teaching aquatic

Benefits of the singing bowl contribution to the water therapy sessions; water therapy sound healing singing bowls teaching aquatic
- Harmonizing areas in the body that are stagnated.
- Inviting a focus on selected energetics areas, that will eventually ripple all along the rest of the body in the holistic approach.
- Inviting support and assistance, in a non-personalized way, to areas where many projections might occur in a non-voluntary subconscious way. (for many past experiences, it will result easier for many people to trust objects than to trust a human being.
- In the water, we’re able to have access that is exclusive, unlike the sessions on the ground we can offer the vibration of the singing bowls both from above the body and underneath the body.
- Water is the most conductive element in nature for sound.
- The usage of the Singing Bowls might seem to be subtle, but once experienced we understand how deep and powerful it’s potentially.
- The tool can be useful to open a chapter when you feel that things are not flowing as much as they could potentially do for many different understandable reasons.
- when we wish to conclude the chapter when things have been moved when actions have been done and we invite a closing stamp to our practice that derives the integration phase of the different bodies.
We need to be mindful just like the rest of this art of the fact that what we hear is just the tip of the iceberg of what actually happens within.
Before using the Singing Bowls, we can either place the head on the pillow and have both of our hands liberated, which will surely make it easier, for the skillful ones and those who already studied the classes about sustaining the head on the thigh, you can also find the way of liberating your hands and sustaining the head well over your thigh.
It is always equivalently important to have the heads protected safe and comfortable first as the “base of the Pizza” before offering all the extra toppings
Simply written; Singing bowls brings together high tone and low tone
There are a few simple actions of playing the bowls;
- Creating a sound with the wooden part that part normally brings mostly the upper tone of the Bowl.
- Creating a sound with a fabric part that usually brings emphasized quality from the lower tone of the bowl.
- Playing the sound and making the bowls sing their song, are the more complex part of the singing bowls, which require more practice, as it gets even a bit more challenging to do when the fabric is wet and when the bowls themselves are wet then it will be easier to do with a wooden part.
The quality of touch of our Palm underneath will make a very big difference to the ability of the sound to travel along the whole body through its different systems.
In addition, the quality of touch of our Palm, that sustains the body, underneath the spot where the bowl is playing, and allows the mirroring and reflecting of the sound, that travels through the body from the bowl, enriching our Palm.
All of those teach us the essence of the ripple effect that echoes far beyond what we see on the tip of the iceberg.
From the teachings of the monks that talks a lot among the meditators in the temple we learn, that within the space of silence, once making a sound, it is much more significant if we can place some special intention into each sound that we are making; the sound is an actual expression of prayer.
From my personal experience, the parts of the integration at the end of the session is the one where many miracles can actually fruit and blossom.
We learned the importance of the “Shavasana” at the end of the session, the space that stillness can allow all the movements to be integrated and for the nerve system to assimilate that which was offered during the session, inviting for just stillness in silence to be that part of the Tibetan bowl concert might result to be the premium selection for this method. If you want to know more about Water therapy
Opening the fields;
Understanding that different people have different rhythms.
- We will start to play the bowls from a bit of a distance from the body not to start by being invasive.
- We will play the bowl and make it sing from a distance from the skin that doesn’t need to be big but is considered.
- It’s another meaningful opportunity to notice that we can arrive into the deepest layers of the body and the soul if we come with the clear announced intention and allowing them to invite us to come deeper by understanding our Direction.
With fast movement, even the wisest, might close the “gate” and leave us outside of the precious “garden” that the subconscious will offer for us..

Beneath the surface of the water;
1.Placing the Bowls underneath the body and playing them underneath the center of the belly, center of the heart, the thought, center of the head, or any of those centers where the chakras are being present.
Be Heartful; above the water, we can almost not hear the sound at all while it’s an intensity to the one that floats is expanded.
Ripple from within
You were here we are placing the Bowls over the body and in this part, we are having various options;
- Placing One bowl on one specific body part at the time.
- Placing a few bowls on the body and playing them in the same sector.
- Placing a bowl or a few bowls over the body and others around the body and playing them together.
For the musicians among you, we are aware of how much coordination, we need to play more than one sound or instrument at the same time to keep on remembering how deep less could be.
It is very useful if we’re having a border to the pool where we can place the bowls.

if you are giving a session in the sea my recommendation will be to place the bowls on the shore where you are planning to finish the session and like that, once you’re arriving towards the end of the session, the music will be the integration phase.
more photos of Singing bowls in the water: Visit our Facebook Page.